Thursday, November 20, 2008


What are your predictions for the 2009 year?

1 comment:

The Obama Recession said...

1) We will not catch Osama Bin Laden. You know why? Because he's probably dead in a cave somewhere.
2) Barack Obama will be tested. There will be a large international crises. I'm just hoping that it doesn't lead into WWIII. It will either be provoked by Russia, Iran, or Israel.
3) I am not sure if there will be a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, however, I do believe that we will be more vulnerable in 2009.
4) Another young actor or actress will die and it will be drug related. He or she will be the Keith Ledger of 2009.
5) The Giants will once again win the SuperBowl.
6) The Cubs will make the Playoffs but not get into the World Series.
7) California will finally see "The Big One"