Thursday, November 6, 2008

The New President

What are your thoughts about our new president?


The Obama Recession said...

I did not vote for Barack Obama because we don't share the same policies and ideals. However, I think it is great that a person of color is finally the President of the U.S. However, I believe that John McCain would do a much better job due to his experience, ability to lean across the aisle, and record. To me, Barack Obama has socialist ideas and I think it was a dangerous decision to vote for him to be our Commander in Chief. He couldn't even get a military clearence if he wanted to due to his sketchy associations with domestic and foreign terrorists. This will be Barack Obama's longest held position. I don't believe that we should base our decision on choosing a President on "hoping" that he'll make the right decision. I think Americans were so blinded by the color of his skin and based their decision on a fresh face as opposed to looking at his record. Barack Obama had everything in his pocket: the main stream media, college campuses, etc. The thing that people fail to remember is that liberals tend to promise the country alot when running for office, yet fail to deliver once elected. With all this said, I hope Barack Obama does a good job while in office, however, I do not support his policies.

ineztamrell said...

Congrats to President-elect Barack Obama! Of course I voted for President-elect Barack Obama. Not because he's African American, but because he's a man who embodies what this country needs. If it were truly about race, then Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Alan Keyes would've been elected as President back when they ran for president.
I am elated that some 40 years later after John Kennedy noted that he would be sure there will be a "Negro" president, that President-Elect Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will move into the White House with their beautiful daughters. The first family! Barack stands for togetherness. It's a wonderful menagerie of reasons that Barack and Michelle are adored. They represent all colors of America by their sameness and individual "one-ness."

For those who felt we shouldn't have based our decision on choosing a President on "hoping" that he'll make the right decision, should we have made it on someone who has basically the same ideas and views at President Bush? Should we have made it on someone who chose Sarah Palin as a potential V.P? All I have to say is the woman thought Africa was a country. Its absolutely shocked that a woman like this was so close to becoming president of the US! That's another story.

Anyhow,President-elect Barack Obama definitely has a lot of work ahead for him as he attempts to clean up the mess that the Bush Administration created. I pray for him, and I also pray for his family. May this country move in the direction that it needs. President-elect Barack Obama represents a new start, a new life, and renewed hope in the common man.

VASSARmagazine.Com said...

First let me start off by saying that I am proud as an African American male that I am alive in the time when I witness a black man is now president of the United States. When only fifty short years ago that same man could not vote in this country nor was he granted the same rights as his white counter parts. However, did this make me give him my vote? Well the answer to that is NO. And to answer the other question that’s lurking in many people heads right about now is did McCain get my vote, NO either. Am I willing to wait and see if he can earn my vote over the next four years, YES.

In my opinion there are a lot of areas that are open and I must see if he can really bring change.

The Obama Recession said...

In my opinion, I believe that it was absolutely crucial for John McCain to pick a female running mate because he knew that he was up against a running mate who was Black and thus, needed something on his ticket that would generate a change as well. Whether to go with Sarah Palin, however, is another story. Personally, I like Sarah Palin because she seems more like the typical American citizen other then say Hillary Clinton for example. I think it was unfair for the CNNs and the MSNBCs to dig into her and try to destroy her image. As for the thinking Africa was a country; I consider that irrelevant because ALL of the candidates made mistakes in their choice of words. For example, Barack Obama said there were 57 states. Regardless, I don't think I can look at the media the same way ever again. Whether it be SNL's portrayal of Sarah Palin as a complete idiot (you can't be a U.S. Governor if you're that dumb) or the fact that the L.A. times wouldn't release the video of Obama roasting Khalidi. As for now, I strictly watch Fox News, go to,, and listen to conservative talk radio to and from work. However, I admit, I am getting all biased info. So I guess I'll have to watch MSNBC 25% of the time to sort of even it all out...

However, I am glad to see that there is finally a Black President in the White House. I am proud of THAT FACT. However, am not proud of WHO HE IS and his voting record. I much rather have seen someone like Alan Keyes whom I agree with more consistently.

ineztamrell said...

I would have to agree with you BigShot that all of the candidates made many mistakes during the campaign, but Sarah Palin was in a lane by herself and also SUCH an easy target by the media. (c'mon you have to admit) The Katie Couric interview alone was outrageous. Its cool that on a blog such as this we can remain calm (as Barack Obama has during the debates) & agree to disagree, and hope this country turns around for the best. I watch MSNBC myself and tend to steer away from Fox and CNN, but I will take your advice and try to watch a variety of networks maybe 25% of the time to get different views. If you ask me though, many of the networks feed Americans toxin. We have to be careful because we don't want any network to control our views. Nas actually has a song (don't know if you are into Rap) but he has a song call Sly Fox. The lyrics are actually kind of clever.. but it can be said for both sides, whether you are white/black or republican/democrat, gay/straight. But anyhow, I'm just glad America put Barack Obama in the White House. I thought I would be up all night watching the election. This is the first time I can remember since I've been able to vote that a presidential election has been decided in such a short period of time. To me, this speaks volumes.